1589 6 1
Spirit In The Sky 07/11/2016
713 0 0
3328 16 3
Spirit In The Sky 23/10/2016
869 2 1
671 1 0
517 0 0
604 1 0
532 0 0
618 1 0
525 0 0
616 1 0
2037 14 1
Spirit In The Sky 28/09/2016
565 0 0
608 0 0
601 0 0
613 0 0
640 0 0
Spirit In The Sky 27/09/2016
631 0 0
598 0 0
1095 0 0
Spirit In The Sky 12/09/2016
1218 0 0
1240 0 0
1163 0 0
1208 1 0
4548 21 3
1161 0 0
1256 2 0
1265 1 0
4296 9 2
Spirit In The Sky 05/09/2016
687 0 0
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